Saturday, April 30, 2011

What I Wore: Cute Bikes edition

During our Seattle outing, I found the most awesome shirt from Urban Outfitters. I'm always on the lookout for cute shirts (especially for summer) that don't require a tank top underneath, a cardigan over or both. I've basically resorted to t-shirts for the summer months (which here are not very long so I've survived). I saw this shirt though and knew I had to have it plus it was on clearance! Sweetness!

Now, I have a confession. I have a lot of clothes. It took my 5 suitcases to get all my clothes out to Provo. I left an entire jumbo sized Rubbermaid bin of clothes in Utah for the summer and it still took me 3 jam packed suitcases home. The last thing I needed was another shirt. But my friends talked me into. I knew my mother would have a cow.

As soon as I got home, I showed her what I got. She gave me a look and walked out of the room. Uh oh.  She then returned with an Urban bag and pulled out the same shirt! "I saw it and just knew you would love it!" So the next morning, I woke up to my shirt in my Easter basket. Good thing Urban does returns!

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