Sunday, August 7, 2011

This Is What I Know

Today is what us Mormons like to call Fast Sunday. On the first Sunday of the month, we don't eat or drink, typically for 24 hours or however long our bodies are able to (For me, 24 hours makes me sick so I try to go as long as possible and then I don't eat treats, only meals). We do this because Christ did. It is a form of sacrifice and helps us gain more self-control and appreciation for what we have. (You can read more at the link of above!) We also share our testimonies in our worship service. Now this may be silly but it kind of scares the crap out of me. A lot. Not neccesarily the actual speaking once you're up there but I HATE walking up there and walking back. Wierd, I know. SO maybe today I will get the courage to just go up there and share me testimony, but if I don't, here it is for you, world, to read.

This is what I know. I know I have a Heavenly Father who loves me. I know this world is too amazing to be a coincidence. I know everyone has a divine potential. I know that Heavenly Father gave us all gifts and talents we can use to help others and glorify Him. I know Heavenly Father speaks to us today, what kind of Father would he be if he didn't? I know and love that we have a prophet on Earth today, who speaks with God regularly, who can give us guidance and counsel for these changing times we live in. I know the Book of Mormon is the word of God, another testament of Christ. I also know that it is just a book and it doesn't matter how long it sits on our bookshelf or how many times we read it, if we don't do anything with the sacred truths taught to us, we have wasted our time. I know Jesus Christ atoned for not only our sins but He also suffered every pain and sorrow we will every go through so that He will know how to help us. I know that families can be together forever through the sealing powers of the temple. I know that Heavenly Father knows me, Shelby Anne Hintze, by name. I know He knows all of my trials and if I just ask Him, He will help me. I know that He loves you and is pleading with you to ask Him for help. I know when I am in the service of my fellow beings, I am in the service of my God.

Most of all, I may not know everything, but I know enough.

Happy Sunday!

1 comment:

  1. Hey, I'd like to subscribe but do not see how... Can you contact me back?
