Sunday, November 27, 2011
Monday, October 31, 2011
Monday, October 24, 2011
"Stupid Hemoglobin!"
Guys. I'm obsessed with Instargram. And wearing outfits that don't really match (I've got some good ones for ya. Yeah, they're old but so what, who cares? anyone?)
Now, we are fortunate enough to have laundry facilities in our apartment (can I get a woot woot?!) But my roommates decided to be outstanding citizens and give blood. They were doing it at one of the freshman housing complexes so while I waited, me and my iron deficient roommate, Makayla, went and hijacked the laundromat for some good old fashioned pictures. (Get it, I took them with Instagram...Yeah? Eh? No? Ok.)
Sunday, October 23, 2011
Hipster Bling
So. I've I had a booth at the LaVell Edwards Stadium Farmer's Market. It's been really fun and has taught me a couple things.
- Provo in the fall is awesome.
- I stink at keeping track of money.
Ok, I pretty much already knew both of those things. But this reinforced them.
Next week is my last week! If you're in Provo, come on down to the stadium and check them out! If you aren't in Provo, hopefully I'll have an Etsy shop up over Thanksgiving!
Be there. Buy some necklaces. Buy some fresh vegetables. Buy some fresh bread. Be happy. It's elementary really.
Saturday, October 22, 2011
Easily Distracted
If only I could trap Facebook, Pinterest and my roommates under a bowl and then set my table on top of them....
Friday, October 21, 2011
This picture has nothing to do with this post. I just really love the Jonas Brothers and I want them to make more music. Enough of this solo stuff gosh darn it!! Justin Bieber will have to do for now I suppose...
Not really. But that's what it seems like. Also, sleep>college and blogging. Did I mention school has started? And I just made it through my first round of midterms? (Which was really like a Chinese Water Torture drip of test after test after test.)
Some new things that I'll talk about at some point (or not).
- I moved into a new apartment.
- I got an iPhone (Hello Instagram!)
- I started watching Pan Am. Oh my.
- We've eaten a real meal almost every night (Ohhhhh yeaahhhhhh. <---Said in an Al Green voice)
- I've recovered and then relapsed several times in my Pinterest addiction.
- I've been really, really, really busy. Like, really.
Wait, what?
Monday, August 22, 2011
What I Wore: Cowboys and Hipsters edition
![]() |
Don't mind the corner of the table and the dog... |
Sorry I haven't posted in a while! It's hard to do outfit posts when all of your clothes are packed up and ready to go back to Utah!
Pshhhh. You actually bought that?! Yeah, nothing is packed. Ok one box, but not any clothes. Did I mention that I leave TOMORROW? Oh well, I do.
These past few weeks, everything has fallen apart. Literally. My car decided to stop working and My chair decided to stop working. You know, those two things are pretty crucial in doing anything else. Between getting the two of those fixed, seeing my friends one last time and going to doctor's appointments, I haven't had much time (or energy) for pictures. Or anything for that matter.
So here's to one last day! And the hope that I'll continue to be at least a mediocre blogger throughout the school year!
Friday, August 12, 2011
Things I'm Totes Lovin'
2. Interpretive dancing squirrels.
3. This tutorial.
4. And this tutorial.
5. Cute head scarves. (You couldn't tell already?!)
6. And this picture.
Things I'm not lovin': The fact that "summer" is almost over :(
Monday, August 8, 2011
An Note on Poetry Followed by An Ode to Twitter
You know how in high school, there was always that one assignment you dreaded? Vocab tests. Timed writes. Anything to do with math. Now I wasn't a huge fan of any of those but I wanted to crawl under my desk and rock back and forth the day my AP Literature teacher said, "We are going to be writing a poem a week for the rest of the year!"
In my high schooler mind, good poems were either angsty or abstract and I didn't have a drop of angsty or abstract blood in my body. Not to mention, who wants their teacher reading a poem about their crush? Actually, the better question is what high school teacher wants to read poems about their student's crushes?
So, with every poem, I would sit, and wait, until "inspiration" struck and I could come up with something brilliant. "Inspiration" usually was, "Oh shoot, it's almost 10 and I still don't have anything! Hmmm, how about a poem about not being able to write a poem!" That was all fine and great until all the other kids started doing the same thing...
From that point on, I resolved to write silly poems. Find something in the room and just write about it. For example, I saw a bottle of Elmar's glue so I wrote a piece entitled, "I Know You Want a Little Taste, But Please Dear Child, Don't Eat the Paste" (which I cannot find anywhere! Curse you computers!)
So here it is my friends:
An Ode to Twitter
By Shelby Hintze
Oh thou land of twits
A world where one and all are right
Yet, one and all are wrong
A place where opinion trumps actuality
A place where no matter what Perez declares,
E! News covers it as concrete intelligence
In the vast sea that is Ashton Kutcher’s followers
You will find the deprived man,
The prosperous man, the comical man,
The dim man and Tyra Banks
Only here can a celebrity attain more faithful followers
Than the president himself. And The Onion News network,
Tweets more than CNN.
In this land of blue birds tweeting their joyful,
And sometimes not so joyful song,
We common folk can live vicariously through
Ms. Cyrus. That is, until the heartrending day
She left this land, never to tweet again.
Sunday, August 7, 2011
This Is What I Know
Today is what us Mormons like to call Fast Sunday. On the first Sunday of the month, we don't eat or drink, typically for 24 hours or however long our bodies are able to (For me, 24 hours makes me sick so I try to go as long as possible and then I don't eat treats, only meals). We do this because Christ did. It is a form of sacrifice and helps us gain more self-control and appreciation for what we have. (You can read more at the link of above!) We also share our testimonies in our worship service. Now this may be silly but it kind of scares the crap out of me. A lot. Not neccesarily the actual speaking once you're up there but I HATE walking up there and walking back. Wierd, I know. SO maybe today I will get the courage to just go up there and share me testimony, but if I don't, here it is for you, world, to read.
This is what I know. I know I have a Heavenly Father who loves me. I know this world is too amazing to be a coincidence. I know everyone has a divine potential. I know that Heavenly Father gave us all gifts and talents we can use to help others and glorify Him. I know Heavenly Father speaks to us today, what kind of Father would he be if he didn't? I know and love that we have a prophet on Earth today, who speaks with God regularly, who can give us guidance and counsel for these changing times we live in. I know the Book of Mormon is the word of God, another testament of Christ. I also know that it is just a book and it doesn't matter how long it sits on our bookshelf or how many times we read it, if we don't do anything with the sacred truths taught to us, we have wasted our time. I know Jesus Christ atoned for not only our sins but He also suffered every pain and sorrow we will every go through so that He will know how to help us. I know that families can be together forever through the sealing powers of the temple. I know that Heavenly Father knows me, Shelby Anne Hintze, by name. I know He knows all of my trials and if I just ask Him, He will help me. I know that He loves you and is pleading with you to ask Him for help. I know when I am in the service of my fellow beings, I am in the service of my God.
Most of all, I may not know everything, but I know enough.
Happy Sunday!
Wednesday, August 3, 2011
Bobby Vans of the world, where art thou?!
Words cannot express how muh I love this. I need to learn how to play this song! Or find a boy who already knows it and I can harmonize with. Come out, come out, where ever you are!
Monday, August 1, 2011
I'mma preach to the choir.
So I have a little crush. It's on this guy.
Have you been watching the Glee Project? Boy, do I love it! (Haven't watched this week's episode? Stop reading I especially loved Cameron. First of all, he's adorable. He wears awesome clothes and has a great voice. When put into uncomfortable situations (read: Lindsay planting one on him.) he had standards and kept to them. And Ryan Murphy loved that! Sure, it was frustrating for a bit but Ryan told him, "I like you. I like your innocence and I think you could relate to a lot of kids out there." He even said they would do their best to respect his boundaries and they wanted him to stay.
Hollywood was giving him a chance to impact a lot people. To show the world that you can have standards and still be creative and cool and for a lack of a better word, un-prude-ish. That's not something the show Glee has been doing (love the show but don't get me started on the drinking episode....) Instead, he left. And that made me so sad.
I know, he could have lots of other reasons motivating him to leave. He could have been homesick, he could have been discouraged by his performance in past weeks, and this could have just been the icing on the cake. But it got me thinking about what people of, I guess you could say, conservative standards are doing to make an impact on others by standing up for what they believe in. By being in the world but not of it.
As a Mormon, I have been taught my whole life to stand up for what I believe in. But I feel many people take that as "I should just hang out with my Mormon friends and never put myself in any sort of situation that is outside my comfort zone." If you never have to stand up for your values, how do you know you can do it? And how can you help make the world a better place?
Now, some of you are reading this and saying "Uh, lady, you go to BYU. Isn't that the definition of a moral cop-out?" Well, sometimes, yes. But I truly believe BYU is helping me become a stronger person during these formative years so that I am stronger in my values and I can share them better in "the real world". And just because I don't have to explain to people on a daily basis why I don't drink or sleep around, I still have to be firm in what I believe in other ways. (That's for a different post.)
So while I can't judge Cameron for what he did (see above), I hope that if I were in that situation, I would have used the opportunity to make some change as opposed to hiding behind what I believe.
What do you guys think? I want to hear what you have to say!
PS. Cameron, I still like you. You're still adorable. You're still talented. I'd still buy your CD.
PPS. Ryan Murphy, I can be your conservativly cool girl next season! My people will talk to your people.
PSSS. I got through this whole post without misspelling a single word. Woot woot!
PPPS. This is blog post 101! I should have done something for post 100. Whoops. So happy post 101!
PPPPS I'm done with the post scrpts. Promise. For now.
Friday, July 29, 2011
What I wore: Daisy chain edition
It's finally been sunny for more then a day here guys! On another note. I have watched 2 lifetime movies today. I'm ready to go back to school so I can get a life...
Ok question, are every pair of pants and skirts you own a different size? No? That's not normal? Oh. Ok....Never mind then.
Also, I'm a really awkward model. That never happens to you either? Oh.
Tank//H&M ($7?! Ohhh yeahhh) Cardi//Nordstrom BP. Shorts//Levi's. Bracelets//Nordstrom BP. Sandals//Aldo. |
Wednesday, July 27, 2011
What I wore: Camp edition
So, I saw this thing on a blog that showed how to pack for an 8 day trip with only 8 items. I think it was 5 tops and 3 shirts. That adds up to 8 right? Ok just checking. There's a reason I'm taking 4 semesters of French instead of one semester of math...Anyways, I thought, "Oh hey, I'm gonna be away from my closet for 10 days! I should try to do that! Why, I've always wanted to do the 30x30 challenge! This is close! And by golly, I can take pictures everyday and then blog about it! 2 weeks of blogging, done!"
Now on the surface, this sounds like a reasonable challenge! Except I didn't really think about 3 things. Laundry, weather and having absolutely zero free time; all things that are very important to a fashion blogger.
So between the stains, the late July downpours (what's a heatwave?!) and the schedule that had me leaving my room at 7 am and getting back at 11 pm, let's just say the blog challenge didn't quite go as planned. Oh I wore only the 10 (ok maybe more like 12) items allotted, but the documentation? That's a different story. Early and late hours and dark UW dorm rooms to not make for the best pictures.
So here is one outfit that the pictures actually turned out all right for!
Skirt//Thrifted and altered. Cardigan//Nordstrom. Tank//H&M. Necklace//Locket 2 You. Shoes//Target
I bought this necklace (along with way to many others things) a couple of weeks ago at Urban Craft Uprising. Guys, if they do a show in your area, go! Every year I go and it is the greatest! (I'll post pictures of the rest of my loot soon :) Anyways, I love Locket 2 You necklaces!! This is my second one, and even thought the guy at the booth graduated from the University of Utah, I'll keep buying them! Check out their shop!
Tuesday, July 26, 2011
Guys, I'm alive. For reals. No need to worry. You can call the police back and tell them it was all a big misunderstanding. Sorry I've been so MIA for the past oh...3 weeks. For the past 2 weeks, I have been a counselor at a camp for kids with disabilities that helps them transition into college (It's a really cool program! You can read more about it here.) And the week before that...yeah, I don't have a good excuse for that one. My dog ate my laptop?
Well, I promise my bloggy friends, I'll be back tomorrow with some posts!
Wednesday, July 6, 2011
What I Wore: Just Call Me Rosie Edition
This is what I wore on the 4th of July! Every year I have the hardest time figuring out what to wear. It's going to be warm during the day (sometimes) and then it's going to be cold at night (always) but I need to stay within the patriotic realm! So this year I opted for a pair of cut-offs for the party and then changed into jeans when it got cold out.
PS, I'm officially addicted to scarves tied in my hair. That's all.
Tuesday, July 5, 2011
4th of July or How our neighbors blew up $1000
I hope everyone had a great 4th of July! I know we did. Good food, friends, fireworks, no trips to the emergency room; what more could you ask for?! We had our who-knows-how-many annual friend party. It's us and 2 other families every year! Sometimes other people join us, sometimes they don't. Apparently, people go out of town for the 4th of July! Crazy! :)
There were cute mommy-made decorations, good food and possibly staged, over-animated conversations. (I don't know what happened with my hand...)
First, we have your fountains. Now let me explain something. I have an incredibly rational-irrational fear of fireworks. It all began with a piece of firework shrapnel landing in my eye at the tender age of 8. I wasn't physically injured but it sure hurt my pyrotechnic pride. Ever since then, I can't enjoy the fireworks without planning escape routes in case of a rouge mortar. This is why I love me some fountains. All the bang without the boom. Pretty colors with out the horrible sound. As long as you aren't withing 10 feet, if it falls over, you're good. My family made fun of my silly love all night but I am here to say: Fountains, I appreciate you.
Next up, we have your standard mortars.Now, we live on an indian reservation, which means when it comes to fireworks (and many other things), anything goes. Every year, they set up a big firework market where they sell everything. And I mean, everything! As you would expect, it is quite the unsavory place. I went once and I don't need to go again. Think of any outdoor market in a third world country you've been to, add drugs, alcohol and explosives and you've got Boom City.
My neighbor's relatives own a both at the illegal-anywhere-else explosive Mecca, so every year, they put on quite the show. We spend our 10 bucks on some sparklers and firecrackers (my brother) and then spend the evening watching them blow up their hard earned cash into a million colorful pieces. And we can watch them without craning our necks to see them. It's a win-win really.
Now here we have a paper lantern a la Tangled. Now THIS, this I was down with. I think it should be a law that everyone in the US has to light off 20 of these on 4th of July. I think I'll run for president just for this reason. They. Are. Awesome!
Sick of pictures yet? Almost done! Finally we broke out the sparklers! Well, what was left of them after my brother made a sparkler bomb. (Do you know how loud 96 sparklers wrapped in electrical tape and then ignited sound? Loud.) I hoped to get some cute ones spelling out things like "love" and "4th of July" but by the time I got over my rational yet irrational fear, there was one left. oh well. Next year!
Monday, July 4, 2011
Happy 4th Of July!
Eat lots of good bbq! Spend lots of time outside! Be safe! (fingers>firecrackers!) And most of all, remember what it's all about!
No...not unicorns...
One of the greatest pieces of paper EVER!
Sunday, July 3, 2011
What I Wore: Hip, French, Housewife edition
Those are the three words that came to my mind when it comes to this outfit. The combination of stripes, headscarves, and pedal pushers will do that to a girl.
I've been wanting to try a headscarf for a long time but I was always worried about it falling out! I'm proud to say (that with the help of some bobby pins) it stayed put all day (with only a few minor adjustments)!
I am infatuated with this scarf. It's a little pathetic actually. I have about a million outfits floating around in my head and I have to remind myself that I can't wear it everyday! (I have to give the other scarves a chance you know?) My mom really likes it too...We're trying to figure out who will get it when I leave for school...
I've been looking for horseshoe jewelery of some sort for a while. Well the other day my mom decided to go through an old box of her childhood things. One thing led to another and I was in possession of a pair of horseshoe earrings! Unfortunately, she can't remember where they came from or why she had them but I love them none the less!
These shoes have a good story too. I'll tell you sometime. I think we've had enough stories for today :) (and it gives me something else to blog about hehe)
And here is the video I used to tie my scarf! I did a combination of the two of them.
ps. Search "How to tie a scarf" and YouTube will suck you in for hours...So...Many...Ways!!
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